农学系 孙杰


姓  名:孙杰 SUN JIE    性 别:男

职  称:教授 Professor   办公室:主楼 331 Office Room: Main building 331

  1. mailsunjie@shzu.edu.cn         电话:13119937791

学历学位:博士 Doctor degree    /博士生导师:博士生导师 Doctoral Supervisor

研究方向:棉花生物育种 Cotton Molecular Breeding


工作简历孙杰Prof. Dr. SUN JIE,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。自1991年本科毕业后一直在bwin必赢任教,1997年获硕士学位,20037月获博士学位。20101月至20107月在加州大学戴维斯分校访问学者,20187月至20197月在澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)农业与食品研究所访问学习。


研究成果:主持国家及省部级科研项目30余项,在Trends in Plant SciencePlant Biotechnology JournalThe Plant JournalJournal of Experimental BotanyThe Crop Journal等重要期刊发表SCI论文70余篇;获批国家发明专利8件、实用新型专利4件、软件著作权4件、发布标准1件;获国家教学成果二等奖1项、自治区科技进步二等1奖项、自治区专利二等奖1项、兵团科技进步三等奖3项;培育棉花新品种6个,科技成果转化200万元,新品种累计推广种植2000多万亩,新增经济效益30多亿元;


  1. 研究生课程:作物学专论;高级分子生物学

  2. 本科生课程:作物育种学总论;作物育种与种子生产实验


  1. 基于海陆染色体片段代换系的棉花抗黄萎病基因鉴定及功能研究,国家自然科学基金地区项目,322605132023.01-2026.12,主持

  2. 棉花分子辅助轮回选择育种体系的建立及新种质创制,兵团科技局国际科技合作,2021BC0012021.01-2023.12,主持

  3. 基于棉属体细胞杂种的抗旱基因挖掘及种质资源创新,国家自然科学基金-新疆联合基金重点支持项目,U19032042020.01-2023.12,子课题主持

  4. Gh4CL1基因在棉花应答黄萎病菌侵染中的功能及作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金,319604382020.01-2023.12,主持

  5. 西北内陆优质机采棉花新品种培育,国家重点研发计划项目,2017YFD0101600,子课题负责人

  6. 微管结合蛋白CLASP在棉花纤维发育和品质形成中的作用及分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金,317604012018-2021,主持

  7. 原花青素在棕色棉颜色形成中的作用及分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金委-新疆联合基金重点支持项目,U13032812014-2017,主持

  8. 棉花新品种新陆中51号中试与示范,科技部农业成果转化资金项目,2012GB2G4105352012-2014,主持

  9. GhAGPF1基因在棉花纤维细胞发育中的功能及调控分子机制研究,国家自然科学基金-新疆联合基金优秀青年人才项目,U11283012012-2015,主持

  10. 新疆棉花高效遗传转化技术体系研究,兵团种质资源创新与功能基因发掘利用专项,2012BB0492012-2015,主持

  11. 转基因长绒棉新品种选育,国家转基因重大专项,2011ZX08005 -0052011-2015180万元,子课题主持

  12. 杂交棉新品种“新陆中49”中试与示范,科技部农业成果转化资金项目,2010GB2G4106092010-201250万元,主持


  1. Bin Chen, Juan Tian, Zhidi Feng, Huan Wang, Jie Sun* and Zhaosheng Kong*. Chitin synthases containing myosin motor like domain are required for cell wall integrity and virulence of vascular wilt pathogen Verticillium dahlia. Phytopathology Research, 2023, 5:21.

  2. Lei Zhang, Yajie Wu, Yongang Yu, Yihao Zhang, Feng Wei, Qian-Hao Zhu, Jinglong Zhou, Lihong Zhao, Yalin Zhang, Zili Feng, Hongjie Feng*, Jie Sun*. Acetylation of GhCaM7 enhances cotton resistance to Verticillium dahlia. The Plant Journal, 2023, 114(15): 1405-1424.

  3. Youzhong Li, Xinyu Zhang, Zhongxu Lin, Qian-Hao Zhu, Yanjun Li, Fei Xue , Shuaishuai Cheng, Hongjie Feng, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Comparative transcriptome analysis of interspecific CSSLs reveals candidate genes and pathways involved in verticillium wilt resistance in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Industrial Crops & Products, 2023. 197: 116560.

  4. Lihua Chen, Bin Chen, Qian-Hao Zhu, Xinyu Zhang, Tiange Sun, Feng Liu, Yonglin Yang, Jie Sun*, and Yanjun Li*. Identification of sugar transporter genes and their roles in the pathogenicity of Verticillium dahliae on cotton. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1123523, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1123 523

  5. Qian Liang, Yanlong Jin, Qian-Hao Zhu, Dongnan Shao, Xuefeng Wang, Xiaohu Ma, Feng Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Yanjun Li, Jie Sun*, Fei Xue*. A MYB transcription factor containing fragment introgressed from Gossypium bickii confers pink flower on Gossypium hirsutum L. Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 192: 116121.

  6. Fan Yang, Yongchao Han, Qian-Hao Zhu, Xinyu Zhang, Fei Xue, Yanjun Li, Honghai Luo, Jianghong Qin, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Impact of water deficiency on leaf cuticle lipids and gene expression networks in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22: 404.

  7. Zhijun Wang, Yanjun Li, Qianhao Zhu, Liwen Tian, Feng Liu, Xinyu Zhang *, Jie Sun*. Transcriptome Profiling Provides New Insights into the Molecular Mechanism Underlying the Sensitivity of Cotton Varieties to Mepiquat Chloride. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(9): 5043.

  8. Dongnan Shao, Qian-Hao Zhu, Qian Liang, Xuefeng Wang, Yanjun Li, Yuqiang Sun, Xinyu Zhang, Feng Liu, Fei Xue*, Jie Sun*. Transcriptome analysis reveals the difference of anthocyanin accumulation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) induced by red and blue light. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 788828.

  9. Yanlong Jin, Jinghui Li, Qianhao Zhu, Xin Du, Feng Liu, Yanjun Li, Sunny Ahmarc, Xinyu Zhang, Jie Sun*, Fei Xue*. GhAPC8 regulates leaf blade angle by modulating multiple hormones in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022195: 217-228.

  10. Dongliang Yu, Liping Ke, Diandian Zhang, Yuqing Wu, Yujie Sun, Jun Mei, Jie Sun*, Yuqiang Sun*. Multi-omics assisted identification of the key and species-specific regulatory components of drought-tolerant mechanisms in Gossypium stocksii. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19(9):1690-1692.

  11. Jie Sun*, Yuqing Sun, Qian-Hao Zhu*. Breeding next-generation naturally colored cotton. Trends in Plant Science, 2021, 26(6): 539-542.

  12. Xian-Peng Xiong, Shi-Chao Sun, Qian-Hao Zhu, Xin-Yu Zhang, Feng Liu, Yan-Jun Li, Fei Xue*, Jie Sun*. Transcriptome analysis and RNA interference reveal GhGDH2 regulating cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt by JA and SA signaling pathways. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12: 654676.

  13. Lihong Ma, Xinqi Cheng, Chuan Wang, Xinyu Zhang, Fei Xue, Yanjun Li, Qian-Hao Zhu, Jie Sun*, Feng Liu*. Explore the gene network regulating the composition of fatty acids in cottonseed. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21: 177.

  14. Xian-Peng Xiong, Shi-Chao Sun, Qian-Hao Zhu, Xin-Yu Zhang, Yan-Jun Li, Feng Liu, Fei Xue*, and Jie Sun*. The Cotton Lignin Biosynthetic Gene Gh4CL30 Regulates Lignification and Phenolic Content and Contributes to Verticillium Wilt Resistance. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2021, 34(3): 240-254.

  15. Dongnan Shao, Yanjun Li, Qianhao Zhu, Xinyu Zhang, Feng Liu, Fei Xue*, Jie Sun*. GhGSTF12, a glutathione S-transferase gene, is essential for anthocyanin accumulation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Science, 2021, 305:110827.

  16. Shouhong Zhu, Yanjun Li, Xinyu Zhang, FengLiu, FeiXue, Yongshan Zhang, Zhaosheng Kong, Qian-Hao Zhu*, Jie Sun*. GhAlaRP, a cotton alanine rich protein gene, involves in fiber elongation. The Crop Journal, 2021, 9: 313-324.

  17. Xin-Qi Cheng, Xin-Yu Zhang, Fei Xue, Shou-Hong Zhu, Yan-Jun Li, Qian-Hao Zhu, Feng Liu* and Jie Sun*. Characterization and transcriptome analysis of a dominant genic male sterile cotton mutant. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:312.

  18. Enhui Shen, Tianzi Chen, Xintian Zhu, Longjiang Fan, Jie Sun, Danny J. Llewellyn, Iain Wilson and Qian-Hao Zhu*. Expansion of MIR482/2118 by a Class II transposable element in cotton. The Plant Journal, 2020, 103(6): 2084-2099.

  19. Shi-Chao Sun, Xian-Peng Xiong, Xiao-Li Zhang, Hong-Jie Feng, Qian-Hao Zhu, Jie Sun* and Yan-Jun Li*. Characterization of the Gh4CL gene family reveals a role of Gh4CL7 in drought tolerance. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20:125.

  20. Xian-Peng Xiong, Shi-Chao Sun, Xin-Yu Zhang, Yan-Jun Li, Feng Liu, Qian-Hao Zhu, Fei Xue* and Jie Sun*. GhWRKY70D13 Regulates Resistance to Verticillium dahliae in Cotton Through the Ethylene and Jasmonic Acid Signaling Pathways. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 68.

  21. Xinyu Zhang, Wenhan Cheng, Zhidi Feng, Qianhao Zhu, Yuqiang Sun, Yanjun Li* and Jie Sun*. Transcriptomic analysis of gene expression of Verticillium dahliae upon treatment of the cotton root exudates. BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:155.

  22. Lanjie Zhao, Youjun Lü, Wei Chen, Jinbo Yao, Yan Li, Qiulin Li, Jingwen Pan, Shengtao Fang, Jie Sun* and Yongshan Zhang*. Genome-wide identification and analyses of the AHL gene family in cotton (Gossypium). BMC Genomics, 2020, 21:69.

  23. Shichao Sun, Xian-peng Xiong, Qianhao Zhu, Yan-jun Li*, Jie Sun*. Transcriptome Sequencing and Metabolome Analysis Reveal Genes Involved in Pigmentation of Green-Colored Cotton Fibers. International Journal of Molecular Science, 2019, 20 (19): E4383.

  24. Feng Liu, Lihong Ma, Youwu Wang, Yanjun Li, Xinyu Zhang, Fei Xue, Xinhui Nie, Qianhao Zhu*, Jie Sun*. GhFAD2–3 is required for anther development in Gossypium hirsutum. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19:393.

  25. Xianpeng Xiong, Shichao Sun, Yanjun Li, Xinyu Zhang, Jie Sun*, Fei Xue*. The cotton WRKY transcription factor GhWRKY70 negatively regulates the defense response against Verticillium dahliae, The Crop Journal, 2019, 7(3): 393-402.

  26. Shouhong Zhu, Xiuli Yu, Yanjun Li, Yuqiang Sun, Qianhao Zhu*, Jie Sun*. Efficient targeted gene editing in upland cotton using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19 (10): 3000.

  27. Shou-Hong Zhu, Fei Xue, Yan-Jun Li, Feng Liu, Xin-Yu Zhang, Lan-Jie Zhao, Yu-Qiang Sun, Qian-Hao Zhu*, Jie Sun*. Identification and functional characterization of a microtubule associated protein, GhCLASP2, from upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 882.

  28. Lixue Guo, Yuzhen Shi, Juwu Gong, Aiying Liu, Yunna Tan, Wankui Gong, Junwen Li, Tingting Chen, Haihong Shang, Qun Ge, Quanwei Lu, Jie Sun*, Youlu Yuan*. Genetic analysis of the fiber quality and yield traits in G. hirsutum background using chromosome segments substitution lines (CSSLs) from Gossypium barbadense. Euphytica, 2018, 214:82

  29. Zhidi Feng, Juan Tian, Libo Han, Yuan Geng, Jie Sun*, Zhaosheng Kong*. The Myosin5-mediated actomyosin motility system is required for Verticillium pathogenesis of cotton. Environmental Microbiology, 2018, 20(4) :1607-1621.

  30. Hua-Guo Zhu, Wen-Han Cheng, Wen-Gang Tian, Shou-Hong Zhu,  Xian-Peng Xiong, Qian-Hao Zhu, Yu-Qiang Sun*, Jie Sun*. iTRAQ-based comparative proteomic analysis provides insights into somatic embryogenesis in Gossypium hirsutum L. Plant Molecular Biology, 2018, 96(1-2):89-102.

  31. LI Yan-jun, SUN Shi-chao, ZHANG Xin-yu, WANG Xiang-fei, LIU Yong-chang, XUE Fei, SUN Jie*. New clues concerning pigment biosynthesis in green colored fiber provided by proteomics-based analysis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17 (1): 46-53.

  32. Hongjie Feng, Yonglin Yang, Shichao Sun, Yanjun Li, Lin Zhang, Jingkui Tian, Qianhao Zhu, Zili Feng, Heqin Zhu, Jie Sun*. Molecular analysis of caffeoyl residues related to pigmentation in green cotton fibers. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, 68 (16): 4559–4569.

  33. Yan-Jun Li, Shou-Hong Zhu, Xin-Yu Zhang, Yong-Chang Liu, Fei Xue, Lan-Jie Zhao, Jie Sun*. Expression and functional analyses of a Kinesin gene GhKIS13A1 from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) fiber. BMC Biotechnology, 2017, 17(1):50.

  34. Feng Liu, Yan-Peng Zhao, Hua-guo Zhu, Qian-Hao Zhu, Jie Sun*. Simultaneous silencing of GhFAD2-1 and GhFATB enhances the quality of cottonseed oil with high oleic acid. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2017, 215 (8) 132-139

  35. Wen-Han Cheng, Hua-Guo Zhu, Wen-Gang Tian, Shou-Hong Zhu,  Xian-Peng Xiong, Yu-Qiang Sun, Qian-Hao Zhu, Jie Sun*. De novo transcriptome analysis reveals insights into dynamic homeostasis regulation of somatic embryogenesis in upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.). Plant Molecular Biology, 2016, 92( 3 ): 279-292

  36. Yongchang Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Shouhong Zhu, Hao Zhang, Yanjun Li, Tao Zhang, Jie Sun*. Overexpression of GhSARP1 encoding a E3 ligase from cotton reduce the tolerance to salt in transgenic Arabidopsis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 478(4): 1491-1496.

  37. Wen-Han Cheng, Fan-Long Wang, Xin-Qi Cheng, Qian-Hao Zhu, Yu-Qiang Sun, Hua-Guo Zhu, Jie Sun*. Polyamine and its metabolite H2O2 play a key role in the conversion of embryogenic callus into somatic embryos in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 20156:319.

  38. Hongjie Feng, Lixue Guo, Gaskin Wang, Junling Sun, Zhaoe Pan, Shoupu He, Heqin Zhu, Jie Sun*, Xiongming Du*. The Negative Correlation between Fiber Color and Quality Traits Revealed by QTL Analysis. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0129490.

  39. Feng Liu, Xiao-dong Wang, Yi-ying Zhao, Yan-jun Li, Yong-chang Liu, Jie Sun*. Silencing the HaAK Gene by Transgenic Plant-Mediated RNAi Impairs Larval Growth of Helicoverpa armigera. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2015; 11(1): 67-74.

  40. Hongjie Feng, Yanjun Li, Shaofang Wang, Liangliang Zhang, Yongchuang Liu, Fei Xue, Yuqiang Sun, Yongmei Wang, Jie Sun*. Molecular analysis of proanthocyanidins related to pigmentation in brown cotton fibre (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014 Nov, 65(20): 5759-69.


    1. 西北边疆高校作物学教学团队的建设,国家级教学成果二等奖,2014,排名第四,

    2. 作物学国家级教学团队建设,新疆自治区教学成果一等奖,2009,排名第四,证书编号:050014

    3. 作物学国家级教学团队建设,必赢官网教学成果特等奖,2008,排名第四

    4. 少数民族高素质农业科技人才培养体系的构建与实践,必赢官网教学成果一等奖,2006,排名第五


    1. 膜下滴管精量播种栽培环境下未进行播前灌溉保苗方法,自治区专利二等奖,2023,排名第五。

    2. 新疆棉作理论及现代植棉技术,兵团科技进步三等奖,2019,排名第七。

    3. 杂交棉品种新陆中49号选育与示范,兵团科技进步三等奖,2013,排名第一。

    4. 棉花新品种新陆中36号的选育及推广应用,自治区科技进步二等奖,2010,排名第四。

    5. 优质中长绒陆地棉新陆早28号选育与示范,兵团科技进步三等奖,2007,排名第二。


  1. 棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)体细胞胚胎发生的生理及分子机制研究,程文翰,自治区优秀博士论文,2016

  2. 天然彩色棉纤维色素物质鉴定及代谢机制研究,冯鸿杰,自治区优秀博士论文,2014年。

  3. 棉花红叶性状形成与调控的分子机制研究,孙杰、薛飞,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2022

  4. 棉花Ms20核不育突变体的鉴定及基因精细定位,孙杰、刘峰,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2021

  5. 陆地棉GhFAR基因家族鉴定及GhFAR3.1GhFAR2功能研究,孙杰、刘峰,必赢官网优秀硕士论文,2021

  6. Gh4CL30GhWRKY70D13在棉花抗黄萎病中的功能研究,孙杰,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2020

  7. 绿色棉纤维转录组分及4CL基因家族的鉴定,孙士超,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2020

  8. 棉花纤维发育相关基因GhCLASP2GhAlaRP功能研究,朱守鸿,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2019

  9. 彩色棉纤维比较蛋白组学研究及花色素还原酶GhANR基因的克隆和鉴定,李艳军,必赢官网优秀博士论文,2013年。

  10. 棉花S-腺苷甲硫氨酸脱羧酶基因的克隆及功能研究,必赢官网优秀硕士论文,2012年。

  11. 拟南芥microRNAs序列特征分析及人工合成amiRNA-GFP载体构建,刘冲,自治区优秀硕士论文,2010
